WASHINGTON – In reaction to the UNFCCC NDC Synthesis report launched today, Oxfam’s Global Climate Policy Lead, Nafkote Dabi, said:
“Today’s report findings are appalling. The combined climate plans submitted account to a dismal 1% emissions reduction, far below the 45% reduction needed to limit global warming below 1.5 degrees, and avoid disastrous impacts on vulnerable communities.
“While some countries who have contributed least to the climate crisis have increased their ambition, industrial and rich countries most to blame for global emissions, have miserably failed to step up to their responsibility.
“The US, Canada, and China –accounting together to over a third of total global emissions – are yet to submit their revised climate plans, while Australia did not bother to revise theirs, and Brazil did not increase their ambitions to cut emissions. Even the EU’s revised target to reduce emissions from 40% to 55%, is still far below their owed 65% reduction fair share to limit global warming. This is irresponsible.
“At only 1.1 degree of warming today, those least responsible for the climate crisis are facing head-on climate devastation. Droughts, floods, storms, are fuelling hunger and pushing millions to flee their homes and lose their daily income. With the current global ambition way off track, far worse is yet to face them.
“Major emitters, especially the US, EU, and China, should set stronger and ambitious targets to cut their emissions and step up to do their fair share to prevent a climate disaster. Rich countries also need to urgently support the global South to guarantee justice and survival for the most vulnerable.”