Bookville, USA, March 2021
Book workers from multiple publishers, literary publicity firms, and bookstores announce a Book Workers Day of Solidarity on March 26th with Amazon workers organizing to form a union in Bessemer, Alabama.
Publishing professionals from 7 Stories Press, Archipelago Books, Coffee House Press, Europa Editions, Feminist Press, Haymarket Books, Nectar Literary, The New Press, Two Lines Press, Verso Books and elsewhere as well as booksellers across the country recognize the importance of the right of all workers to collectively bargain over working conditions and support Amazon workers in Bessemer organizing for safer working conditions, the transition from “at will” to “just cause” employment, and fair and accessible grievance procedures. The book workers who have signed this statement stand in solidarity with all book workers—booksellers, publishing professionals, Amazon warehouse workers, librarians, printer employees, UPS and USPS workers delivering book shipments, and authors alike—in the struggle for a more just and sustainable industry for all of us.
“Warehouse workers are the backbone of the book industry. Moreover, as we’ve seen throughout the pandemic, they’re the backbone of the economy as a whole. It is imperative that we support their efforts to unionize and improve their labor conditions. The fact that these brave workers are fighting for their rights against Amazon, the largest multinational corporation in the world (and one that has altered the book industry more than any other force in history), makes it all the more necessary for worker-allies to stand up and make their support known. We support you, and we are ready to fight for you as best we can.”
–Allison Tamarkin Paller, Seven Stories Press
“We in the book industry talk a lot about Amazon as a troublesome but insurmountable inconvenience while decrying its adverse effects on independent publishing and bookselling. But to truly transform our work and our industry in the ways we say we want to, we have to confront Amazon, not just as competition, but as a dangerous monopoly built on the abuse of the workers—and we must oppose dehumanizing and exploitative conditions for book workers everywhere. I’m proud to stand in solidarity with the brave workers in Bessemer, my comrades in publishing, and everyone who senses a better future for the book industry is at our fingertips if we dare to fight for it.”
—Daley Farr, Coffee House Press
“Given our privileged position as a largely white-collar workforce, it’s critical that the publishing industry understands and supports the struggles of warehouse and fulfillment workers who are sometimes less visible but unquestionably enable our survival. As a staffer at a recently unionized small press, where a significant percentage of our revenue still comes from Amazon, I have been watching the fight in Bessemer with excitement and hope, knowing the bravery it takes to confront power and exploitation head-on. We should all stand in solidarity with Amazon workers who are fighting for the basic dignified labor conditions they deserve.”
—Julia Judge, Verso Books
“As booksellers, and more importantly, fellow workers, we believe the fight against Amazon goes far beyond bringing revenue back to indie bookstores to include supporting book workers fighting for better workplace conditions. Taking a stand against Jeff Bezos and Amazon’s exploitative labor practices is about more than winning back book sales—it’s about collective liberation.”
—Mandy Medley and Katharine Solheim, Pilsen Community Books
This group invites book workers across the industry to join in this expression of solidarity. Contact if you’d like to add your name below.
Mandy Medley, Pilsen Community Books and Nectar Literary
Katharine Solheim, Pilsen Community Books
Lisa Swayze, Buffalo Street Books
Josh Cook, Porter Square Books
Gary Lovely, The Book Loft
H Melt, Women and Children First
Danny Caine, Raven Book Store
Molly Walls, FSG
Allison Tamarkin Paller, Seven Stories Press
Alexis Nowicki, FSG
Chad Felix, Two Lines Press
Danny Vazquez, Astra House
Sara Balabanlilar, Deep Vellum
The New Press
Josie Smith, Madison Street Books
Aaron King, Moon Palace Books
Europa Editions
Archipelago Books
Erik Hane, Headwater Literary Management
Katryce Lassle, University of California Press
Jisu Kim, Feminist Press
Lauren Hook, Feminist Press
Rachel Page, Feminist Press
Nick Whitney, Feminist Press
Haymarket Books
Luis Lopez Moon Palace Books
Kaitlynn Cassady, Madison Street Books
Hannah Oliver Depp, Loyalty Bookstores
Dustin Kurtz, Catapult / Counterpoint / Soft Skull
Brad Johnson, East Bay Booksellers
Rachel Molland, Doubleday Books
Marthe Walters, University Press of Florida
Spencer Ruchti, Broadway Books
Camas Books
Rachel Watkins, Avid Bookshop
Sarah Lopez, Radix Media
Luis Correa, Avid Bookshop
Nicholas Hurd, Radix Media
Alyson Sinclair, Nectar Literary
Sarah Cassavant, SubText Books and Nectar Literary
Kelso McNaught, Gibson’s Bookstore
Julia Judge, Verso Books
Katrina Gonzales, Seven Stories Press
Shayan Saalabi, Seven Stories Press
Eva L. Sotomayor, Seven Stories Press
Lauren Hooker, Seven Stories Press
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