It’s the Mask, Stupid: Beware The Covid-Pfizer Jumping Virus!

How did we ever get to this point … to the point where, as I put it in The Covidian Cult, “instead of the cult existing as an…

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How did we ever get to this point … to the point where, as I put it in The Covidian Cult, “instead of the cult existing as an island within the dominant culture, the cult has become the dominant culture, and those of us who have not joined the cult have become the isolated islands within it?”

To understand this, one needs to understand how cults control the minds of their members, because totalitarian ideological movements operate more or less the same way, just on a much larger, societal scale.

The Covidian Cult (Part II)” by C.J. Hopkins

I had a job helping people get jobs. Individuals with developmental disabilities. Brain injured, too. That job ended because I sent in a bunch of grievances about hostile work environment, a supervisor who threatened me and yelled at me, and an amazing half year of the most unprofessional work atmosphere I have ever experienced!

With the Covid Madness in my state, in this county, some of these clients landed jobs as janitors/custodians in the schools in Lincoln County.

Oregon is one of those states that is full of trembling “liberals” and “holed up 2nd Amendment lovers.” The state is in an economic spiral, and like Washington State, run by the new dictators of the Democratic Party breed.

It’s the state with a history of Sundown Towns, and one that has a governor who touts herself as being bi-sexual and ready to slay those anti-LGBTQA dragons, but when it comes to the citizens of Oregon now in lockdown hell, with suicide rates doubling for young people, businesses going belly up, housing shortages, evictions on the horizon, you can just hear Kate Brown’s smarmy ameliorating.

Here’s another fascist at the Washington Post, yammering away:

The solutions to the problem of heightened risk among unvaccinated people range from very difficult to extremely easy. Very difficult: Convince unvaccinated people that — notwithstanding the general optimism — they may, in fact, be at higher risk than before. Particularly if they’re planning to be vaccinated, now is the worst possible time to let down their guard. They should continue to wear their masks, keep their distance and avoid risky situations — even as they see their vaccinated brethren enjoying their newfound freedom. Equally challenging: Require proof of vaccination (so-called immunity passports) to access places that don’t require masks and social distancing.

Easy: Everyone gets vaccinated when their number comes up. Problem solved.

This is the way of Washington State’s governor, Inslee, and our state’s, Brown.

So, fires, or, Covid Cult? This is the state of Capitalism, where criminal operations — Big Pharma — have got the ear of Gods like Fauci and the boot-lickers like our governors. All governors when it comes to the rapacious stupidity of believing in privatizing everything, throwing profits (taxpayer money) at the corporations, and then tying up the purse strings (taxpayer money, and uncollected millionaire and billionaire illegal loot) when it comes to housing and food and medical clinics for all.

The world’s largest firefighting plane has been shut down just as Western states prepare for a wildfire season that fire officials fear could be worse than the average year.

Tara Lee, a spokeswoman for Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, said via email Friday that the state’s Department of Natural Resources was alerted to the shutdown of the worlds’ largest firefighting plane called the Global SuperTanker.


This is one fat example (one of a million) of the fall of the capitalist empire, that is, the fall of one million people and hundreds of communities at a time. A firefighting tanker, privately owned, costing taxpayers up to $250,000 a day. Imagine that, our fire season is now 12 months, and we are in megadrought 3.0 here, and the governors are mandating those Covid shots, but imagine this — smoke, particulates, evacuations, immolation. In this great trillion-dollar-a-year-thrown-at-the-military mighty country, we pay for one effing jet. We get fire fighters from Australia, man, and Mexico. Use prisoners to be on-the-ground hot-shots. All those jets and planes and copters, and we have one privately held jet that now is out of service.

This hubris of it all. Yes, this all ties into the Covid Cult and the trillion-dollar giveaway to the Covid War Profiteers.

Back to my Oregon, the Intel and Nike State.

Old Nike, you know that Nike, the one run by Phil Knight.

[embedded content]

The New Rulers Of The World: Through secret filming, Pilger shows how cheap labour in an Indonesian sweatshop produces goods such as Nike, Adidas, Gap and Reebok running shoes that are sold for up to 250 times the amount received by workers, about 72p a day. Almost 70 million Indonesians live in extreme poverty, many in labour camps housing the workers, where children are under-nourished and prone to disease. Inside the sweatshops, mostly young women are crowded together under the glare of strip lighting in temperatures of up to 40°C, some doing 24-hour shifts.

Observing the parallel between modern-day globalisation and old-world imperialism, Pilger recalls that Indonesia has been “plundered by the West for hundreds of years”. Globalisation in Asia began in Indonesia, where Western governments backed dictator General Suharto after he seized power in the mid-1960s. “Within a year of the bloodbath,” says Pilger, “Indonesia’s economy was effectively redesigned in America, giving the West access to vast mineral wealth, markets and cheap labour – what President Nixon called the greatest prize in Asia.” In 1997, the World Bank had called the country a “model pupil” of the global economy.

I bring this up because, well, the people who I landed jobs for within the school system arem of course, exploited by the Lincoln County School District and the contractor, Sodexo. Nike or Sodexo, all those transnational and sweatshop condition loving companies are all the same — socialism for the CEOs and stockholders, capitalism (low wages, whatever the market can bear) for the workers! Profits for Nike, and hell for the foreign workers, the foreign economies, the foreign soil! Nike swoosh!

THAT Sodexo —

For around ten years, Sodexo, a French company that is one of the world’s largest multinational corporations, has provided Saint Peter’s with cafeteria food. But Sodexo does more than just provide food services to universities— they also run private prisons and detention centers abroad.

Up until 2001, Sodexo owned one of the largest stakes in the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), a company that now controls nearly half of the private prisons in the United States.

After Sodexo’s ties with CCA were made public, six universities dropped their contracts with Sodexo, and continued activist pressure led Sodexo to sell its shares in CCA.

But since then, Sodexo has vastly expanded the number of detention centers it operates overseas. As of 2016, Sodexo managed 122 prisons in eight countries, including Belgium, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain. They also run prisons and immigrant detention centers in the United Kingdom.


So, because of the Covid Cult, the Oregon Health Authority, and the Governor who is Ms./Mr. Kate Brown, these jobs at $12 an hour are not being filled by many job seekers (low pay) but are getting scarfed up by adults living with developmental and intellectual disabilities.

The jobs are absurd — spraying down/wiping off walls, handles, desks, everything, even on the days no students were attending classes. One of my former clients had to use a metal saw and saw off all the book baskets that are on some of the desk-table combinations. That was 34 in one day.

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You know, the jumping Covid-19 Fort Detrick Virus.

Social “distancing” makes the schools create six foot lines in the sand, and then three foot separations as schools came back in full-force (sic).  Still, with three feet between desks, 360 degrees around, that is, not all returning students can be accommodated in the classroom.

My clients were so hyped up that they constantly asked me about “the shot”, “the vaccine”, and when it might be coming to the county and town near them. They asked me about my opinion about the shots. They have to wear masks on school property doing their tasks, and even going outside, as well as taking a smoke break and Rockstar drink break on a slab of land just outside the view-shed of the school. Mask madness.

My clients have been so worked up into a lather of fear, with stories saying, “Adults with Developmental Disabilities Have Three Fold Higher Risk of Getting Covid-19”; “Adults with Developmental Disabilities Have a Higher Rate of Death with Covid-19.”

The rush to get jabbed has been on, and Oregonians like my former clients rushed to the clinics and pharmacies to get something that definitely is not a vaccine. A chemical shot, sure. And, of course, they asked me about my take on things, and I had to thread the needle, balance my learned opinion with their frightened take on things.

There were teachers who used the tattletale method of complaining to my clients’ leads if a little bit of dirt was left on the floors. Some teachers resorted to their own classroom stings, putting tiny itsy-bitsy piles of sugar on desks to see if the entire surface had been wiped down.

The clients have less than 15 minutes to clean a classroom, and that can be tough with food and drink messes on floors, and all the garbage. This is the state of paranoia and Nazism.

Oh, those runners. Imagine, the extreme stupidity and compliance of Oregonians, having cross-country student athletes wear heavy masks during their runs.

Ypsilanti vs. Ypsilanti Lincoln high school football

Here, from a column in the Oregonian, from parents and others complaining about the Governor and his/her health authoritarians mandating masks for outdoor, even solo, sports:

Thank you so much for your column highlighting the ridiculousness and dangers of masks on youth runners. As parents of a ninth grade cross country and track athlete, we have been extremely frustrated with this rule. Our child was told that if she pulls the mask down for a minute just to get some air, she will be DQ’d and possibly kicked off the team if it’s a repeated ‘offense’. We are forced to make a decision to either keep her on the team for her emotional and social well-being while jeopardizing her physical health with lack of oxygen, or pull her off the team and back into social isolation and inactivity. I feel the state is abusing our children.

So, we have Nike, with Knight funding in the tens of millions, cancer research and with that company, NIKE, doing the dirty deeds of not only employing sweatshop slavery, but supporting violent military thugs in those respective “developing south” countries. Watch John Pilger’s short documentary above.

We get to all sorts of inanities in this Covid-19 mess. More and more conversations get shut down, when someone like me questions that “I got my jab and why haven’t you” bullshit that comes out of people’s mouths —  friends and foes alike, family and co-workers, too.

And those masks, man. Every teacher, student and custodian I was around did everything 100 percent wrong in terms of keeping the germ theory in place — noses exposed, sides of masks leaking, taking them off and leaving them face-out touching surfaces. People with a blue plastic mask on, running their hands through thick strands of their own hair, and then touching everything.

You know, Ebola, man. That SARS-CoV2 thing, man. Antibacterial fluids on everything, on hands 20 times a day. Masks off to chew up a Subway sandwich, but masks on for 16-year-olds running through the woods fox X-Country practice.

Yet, the trust, again, in those jabs, those companies producing those jabs —

It’s been eight months since Big Pharma executives faced a grilling by the Senate Finance Committee over their pricing decisions. But the scrutiny is far from over—and now, the committee is digging into pharma funding for patient advocacy groups, which have been known to speak in tunes that are music to the industry’s ears.

Emergent BioSolutions has faced a number of back-to-back PR crises since production issues at its Baltimore facility placed the company under intense scrutiny. The CDMO’s stock price has tumbled as a result, but it appears CEO Robert Kramer cashed out some of his shares just in time. — Source

That company, the dirty one, producing contaminated and brown sediment laced J&J “vaccines.” That one where 15 million doses of Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 hypodermic chemical has to be dumped because of “an ingredient mix-up” at its Baltimore plant. J&J has since taken control over the facility and AstraZeneca, which was also making its vaccine there, was forced to move out.

That Johnson and Johnson —

AbbVie, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Pfizer, Merck & Co., AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson together contributed more than $680 million to hundreds of patient groups and other nonprofits last year, according to a Bloomberg examination of data the companies sent to the Finance Committee.

The total tally more than doubled the $321 million the six companies handed out in 2015 and significantly exceeded what the industry itself spent on lobbying. In 2018, the entire pharmaceutical and health products industry—including pharmaceutical benefit managers—spent $283 million in lobbying U.S. lawmakers, according to the independent research group OpenSecrets.


Oh, that Big Bad Pharma Company, J&J —

J&J has faced hundreds of thousands of lawsuits over claims its products are defective.

Lawsuits point to internal documents showing J&J and its subsidiaries knew about problems with their products but sold them anyway.

In addition to individual product liability lawsuits, individual states who say Johnson & Johnson helped fuel the opioid crisis are suing the company for millions of dollars.


But all’s well, uh? Big Pharma is one of the most powerful industries in the world. The global revenue for pharmaceuticals was over $1 trillion in 2014. But nowhere else in the world do the drug and medical device industries have as much power and make as much money as in the U.S.

The pharma giant has seen its reputation drop steadily from ninth place to 57th out of 58 leading pharmaceutical companies since 2014.

Six of the top 10 pharmaceutical companies for 2017 have their headquarters in the U.S. These include Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Merck, Gilead, Amgen and AbbVie.

Back in the good old days, oh, March 2020, just 28 percent of Americans polled had a good opinion of Big Pharma. Big Pharma is the second most hated industry in America: second to none, but right behind the tobacco industry and the oil, gas and chemical industries.

Add to the criminal enterprises Big Pharma is embroiled in, it is also the biggest defrauder of the Federal Government under the False Claims Act, according to consumer watchdog group Public Citizen.

Sure, a history of fraud, bribery, lawsuits and scandals is the American way, for sure, and also, despite criminal charges and fines, no less, Big Pharma companies continue to do business. To the tune of a trillion a year, or more, in profits.

Pablo Escobar is rolling in his grave in envy.

I have had some close relationships with people in the “drug” business, and that includes Merck, when it was MSD. And a friend of my mom’s who was a Pharm D working on all sorts of research on the drugs that drug companies came out with that either did not work, or did their damage in spades.

I taught English classes in Juarez, and I toured the Johnson and Johnson twin plant and talked to workers there. Like everything else in American Capitalism, the Mexicans were treated like crap, from the fabricators to the technical engineers. The reason J & J was sited there was for the profit margin, man, low pay, no unions, no taxes, desperate Mexican women (mostly) workers, and the ability to skirt environmental and OSHA laws. Each year I went by the maquiladora, more and more security was posted outside. Photos of J&J by me (a journalist) were questioned, until a series of “no photo” signs were posted all over.

Then, of course, the Gates Foundation and Planned Parenthood. Who would have thought I’d be up against Planned Parenthood, up against Gates and Merck and the HPV vaccination?

Here, a story, mine,  “Death by a Thousand Cuts: Vaccines, Non-Profits, and the Dissemination of Medical Information.”   The crux of which is that I was kicked out of day two of a mandatory sex ed class for things I did not do, but for positing a few questions to the instructors. Then, the nonprofit I worked for summarily made up their mind to pink slip me. You see, I was at the training in Seattle, at the Planned Parenthood headquarters, and the nonprofit I was working for was located hundreds of miles and a state away, south of Portland, Oregon.

I asked the trainer what might happen when some of my rural clients’ parents and the young clients themselves personally just Googled “Gardasil and vaccine injuries” and then confronted me, case manager and now a sex ed trained trainer, and others with the evidence. This colonized trainer got mad, raised his voice, and stated, again, the voice of God, here, “The Jury is Out on Gardasil. It is one hundred percent safe.” Here at Dissident Voice, “My Fate as a Social Worker Sealed by a Vaccine named Gardasil.”

Just read on, and see how Planned Parenthood gets money from the Gardasil makers (Merck) and gets money from Gates Foundation for the youth vaccination (HPV especially) propaganda machine, also called, instruction.

This madness is ratcheting up, and, oh, that supposed rough, rugged, independent American is caving and caving to the most crass and simplistic propaganda. My wife’s daughter, at Oregon State University, is being bombarded (she and the entire student body, the staff, the faculty, and, yes, the food service and custodial staff) with messages, emails and bulletins — “Well, we want all of the OSU (Beavers) Family safe, and while we are not making the vaccination mandatory now, but, but, but . . . .”

Those but’s are indeed not just but’s;  rather, they are mandates, as this school, like the rest of the country’s schools, mostly, will make that “deadly” shot mandatory, err, the Covid-19 shot. OSU makes students show proof of the meningitis vaccination, so Covid-19 shots are the next logical step in this Sundown law state. This list is big, and expanding as of today: What Colleges Require the COVID-19 Vaccine?

Colleges across the U.S. are increasingly requiring COVID-19 vaccination for on-campus learning. Check out the full list of colleges that require the vaccine.

Oh, that is it, no, laws, mandates, community “standards,” what goes goes, and what isn’t allowed, isn’t allowed here. More on the Oregon racism.

Detroit, Michigan. Riot at the Sojourner Truth homes, a new U.Sn federal housing project, caused by white neighbors' attempt to prevent Negro tenants from moving in. Sign with American flag "We want white tenants in our white community," directly opposite the housing project. Source: Library of Congress

Oh, I know about mandatory medical laws, mandatory medical procedures, which the Covid-19 shot is, a medical experiment procedure. Oregon and forced vaccinations, err, I mean, forced sterilizations:  In 1917 the Oregon State Legislature, in Salem, Oregon, passed a bill titled, “To Prevent Procreation of Certain Classes in Oregon.” Passage of the bill created the Oregon State Board of Eugenics.

“We can and must protect our nation from insanity, epilepsy, and the varied train of abnormalities that follow in their wake.” Dr. Bethenia Adair Owens said in 1915.

Oregon’s 1923 law targeting people deemed “feeble-minded, insane, epileptic, habitual criminals, moral degenerates, and sexual perverts.”

The state set up a Board of Eugenics that had the final decision over who would be sterilized. The board ordered its last forced sterilization in 1981. In 1983, Oregon’s eugenics law was repealed.


Oh, that Oregonian, still around, supporting the Governor’s forced “vaccination” and lockdown mandates —

The largest newspaper in Oregon, the Republican-controlled Oregonian, supported Eugenics and used its power to inflame public opinion. In a news article headlined “Fecund Mental Derelicts of Oregon Called Menace by State Health Official,” Dr. Floyd South, a member of the Oregon State Board of Health and the Board of Eugenics, stated on June 17, 1938, “Feeble-minded, insane, and otherwise mentally and physically incompetent persons in Oregon are reproducing twice as fast as normal persons.” He went on to state that within 200 years half the state’s population would be confined to public institutions if rigid sterilization laws were not enforced. This applied to the insane as well as “mentally weak persons.”

And, lest I leave out the “scientists” and medical experts (sic):

In 1940 Dr. Richard B. Dillehunt, dean of the University of Oregon Medical School and chairman of the committee appointed by Governor Charles H. Martin to analyze Oregon’s responsibility to the insane, wrote a series of articles for the Oregon Journal reporting his findings. He believed mental illness could be prevented by marriage laws and sterilization. He stated, “Idiots, imbeciles and morons are singularly moved by the primitive biologic impulses and spawn prodigiously. Here is a place where social groups and others might get together and make an effort: for, mark my word, with the prolificacy and multiplication of the feeble-minded, such social groups might soon find themselves on the defensive instead of in a position to help.”

Forced experimental and untested and unapproved shots, or maybe shots that have the gifts that keep on giving: sterilization, blood clot-inducing, heart attack-creating, miscarriage-providing,  total immune system compromising Pizer and J&J madness.

The propaganda, the arm twisting, oh, the fancy foot PhD wording, but still, a forced chemical shot, and who knows what the medical consequences shall be (read, COVID-19 Vaccine Reactions):

Again, regardless of whether OSU implements a vaccination requirement, we hold an expectation that each of us will take every precaution to increase the level of community protection from COVID-19, which includes each of us obtaining the vaccine as soon as possible.

Sincerely, Dan Larson, Vice Provost for Student Affairs, OSU Coronavirus Response Coordinator

The unvaccinated cannot marry the vaccinated! The new normal!

How States Sterilized 60,000 Americans – And Got Away with It - Foundation for Economic Education

Satan Dead! (a.k.a.) Bankster-Globalist: David Rockefeller | caucus99percent

Paul Kirk Haeder has covered police, environment, planning and zoning, county and city politics, as well as working in true small town/ community journalism in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Mexico and beyond. He’s worked in prisons, gang-influenced programs, universities, colleges, alternative high schools, language schools, and PK12 districts. He organized part-time faulty. His book, Reimagining Sanity: Voices Beyond the Echo Chamber (2016), looks at 10 years of his writing at Dissident Voice. Read his musings at LA Progressive. He blogs from Waldport, Oregon. Read his short story collection, Wide Open Eyes: Surfacing from Vietnam now out, published by Cirque Journal. Read other articles by Paul, or visit Paul’s website.

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Paul Haeder | Peace (2025-03-18T01:51:48+00:00) » It’s the Mask, Stupid: Beware The Covid-Pfizer Jumping Virus!. Retrieved from
" » It’s the Mask, Stupid: Beware The Covid-Pfizer Jumping Virus!." Paul Haeder | Peace - Tuesday May 4, 2021,
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" » It’s the Mask, Stupid: Beware The Covid-Pfizer Jumping Virus!." Paul Haeder | Peace - Accessed 2025-03-18T01:51:48+00:00.
" » It’s the Mask, Stupid: Beware The Covid-Pfizer Jumping Virus!." Paul Haeder | Peace [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 2025-03-18T01:51:48+00:00]
» It’s the Mask, Stupid: Beware The Covid-Pfizer Jumping Virus! | Paul Haeder | Peace | | 2025-03-18T01:51:48+00:00