
There is hope that we may come to grips with this covid-chaos – worldwide deliberate systematic destruction of social systems and economies, country by country. The rendering of hundreds of millions of unemployed people, extreme poverty, abject famine and death – millions and millions of people died from this invisible enemy, the corona hoax in […]

The post Hope first appeared on Dissident Voice.

There is hope that we may come to grips with this covid-chaos – worldwide deliberate systematic destruction of social systems and economies, country by country. The rendering of hundreds of millions of unemployed people, extreme poverty, abject famine and death – millions and millions of people died from this invisible enemy, the corona hoax in the past 15 months, mind you not from corona or covid-19, or SARS-CoV-2, but from the covid fraud’s collateral damage.

There is hope that we may regain our senses, our freedom, maybe even our sovereignty as humans and sovereignty as nations – as independent individual nations. No One World Order (OWO), no Global Reset, and the disappearance for good of the nefarious World Economic Forum (WEF). And no longer a forced masquerade and social distancing and prohibition of meeting with family and friends, and with people in general, senseless and harmful quarantines; rules unconstitutionally imposed by most every government and if not obeyed, punishable with hefty fines and even prison. The regaining of long-lost solidarity.

Elite-made misery is what the last 13 months, since about March 2020, have brought us, people of the entire globe. It came as a shock, and the shock waves are still noticeable… by fear, a tremendous fear – fear from death, fear from an enemy, a virus which nobody has seen, but which is said to be mortal, yet, true science, which is not listened to and censured throughout the western world, determined that mortality from this so-called corona virus is between 0.03% to 0.08 %, about equivalent to the common flu (See Dr. Antony Fauci “Covid-19 – Navigating the Uncharted NIAID/NIH 28Febr2020 in NEJM” ).

The shock, even according to the Shock Doctrine (Naomi Klein, 2008) – will ebb off – and HOPE will surface and will grow. That’s what is happening these days. And this even as the Dark Cabal intends to dismantle Human Rights, the long and elaborate work of HRs organizations, abolish HRs with the stroke of an arbitrary judgment by a bought or threatened court, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), allowing nations to legally impose vaccination for the “common good of the people”. Thereby, they are setting a precedent for other basic HRs being outright killed. See “Mandatory Covid-19 Vaccination and the SPARS 2025-2028 Simulation?  A Plan to Launch a New Pandemic?

Hope emanates from the relentless work of doctors for the truth around the world and foremost of lawyer Dr. Reiner Füllmich, leader of the independent German Corona Investigative Committee. Dr. Füllmich is advancing his agenda of one or several Class Action Suits in the US and Canada, as well as lawsuits against individuals and institutions in Europe and the US. He warns that the current geopolitical changes in the world are to be regarded as crimes against Humanity, since they are not based on science nor reason. See:  “Dr. Reiner Fuellmich warns for Crimes Against Humanity“.

Since March 2020, the world is in the grip of a small, extremely wealthy demonic cabal. Their names must not be mentioned. Those concerned know who they are and with what genocidal pleasure they are tyrannizing the entire globe – all 193 UN member countries – and, of course, first of all, the entire UN system. The very world system that was created after WWII to preserve peace on earth, to fight for Human Rights, equality among races, cultures, religions, geographic regions and countries – though not easy – it is a noble task that only people with integrity in their veins can tackle.

There is no shortage of people with leadership capacity and integrity. But they are unfortunately not suitable for the (mostly western) corrupt system that has been growing exponentially during the past couple of hundred years.

All good intentions aside, many of the leaders of the UN and its sub-organizations got their jobs through nepotism or corruption. Or they were corrupted once in their office. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for a small so-called, self-declared elite, a materially rich and morally dirt-poor group of decadent monsters to take over the command of the world.

At the same time they corrupt, coerce or threaten all 193 UN member governments into following their dictate: creating an OWO, abolishing differences in culture, races, history, languages, colors, and well, beliefs, religious or non-religions, and finally forging a fully digitized world, where humans are implanted with electromagnetic fields, so they can be surveyed and manipulated by this elite and its servants, and, thus, transform humans into “transhumans” (Klaus Schwab in the 4th Industrial Revolution and The Great Reset) to the point of eliminating them, if they become inconvenient – hélas – RIP.

A key premise to reach this objective is a much smaller world population which can be easier manipulated. Natural and especially unrenewable resources would be lasting longer for the elite, so that they may maintain their exquisite lifestyle a bit longer, sharing “their” stolen resources with fewer people.

If the principal eugenists that are part of this diabolical cabal have their way, world population should be reduced to maximum one third of what it is today, and ideally to about 10%. On the way to this murderous objective, for which they have set themselves a ten-year goal; i.e., the UN Agenda 2030, they plan to transfer the remaining people’s resources and assets from the bottom to the top. Again, the UN body is in the forefront. They – their leaders – acquiesce to these demands.

This agenda was born during the first so-called environmental conference in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, officially called the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), also known as the ‘Earth Summit’, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 3-14 June 1992. Everybody with a name in international diplomacy and international organizations, financial institutions and corporate interests was present, to grab a piece of the pie. The conclusions of this conference were planned decades in advance by numerous interim conferences and summits.

The ultimate conclusions were environmental concerns, like in the fake “Global Warming”, Climate Change, Overpopulation and an invisible enemy, a virus-strike at once the entire planet – all merged to give us the horror scenario we are living now.

After a year the first shock waves have passed, even though the corrupted governments, particularly in the Global North, steamroll over any evidence that this is all a criminal swindle. In the long-run to no avail, as truth will prevail. Those politicians – and leaders (sic) – of the participating 193 Governments, they are all aware of the game and the massive crime being perpetrated on humanity, on the very people who elected them and pay for their salaries and social benefits. These politicians must be called to justice as the truth will surface and prevail.

Hope manifests itself also on a more modest, but nonetheless convincing and encouraging scale. People want to live, they want their stolen lives back, they want to enjoy living, being again their sovereign selves. They want to dance again, with even the police participating – see this encouraging 6 min You Tube of people randomly coming together in the Gare de l’Est of Paris on 8 April 2021 to dance and sing to a spontaneously appearing band, manifesting resolutely for the almost lost “Joie de vivre”. Encouraging. To be repeated throughout the world.
Le Retour ! “DANSER ENCORE” – Flashmob – Gare de l’Est – 8 Avril 2021

The post Hope first appeared on Dissident Voice.
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Peter Koenig | Peace (2024-10-24T10:16:49+00:00) » Hope. Retrieved from https://www.pea.cx/2021/04/14/hope/.
" » Hope." Peter Koenig | Peace - Wednesday April 14, 2021, https://www.pea.cx/2021/04/14/hope/
Peter Koenig | Peace Wednesday April 14, 2021 » Hope., viewed 2024-10-24T10:16:49+00:00,<https://www.pea.cx/2021/04/14/hope/>
Peter Koenig | Peace - » Hope. [Internet]. [Accessed 2024-10-24T10:16:49+00:00]. Available from: https://www.pea.cx/2021/04/14/hope/
" » Hope." Peter Koenig | Peace - Accessed 2024-10-24T10:16:49+00:00. https://www.pea.cx/2021/04/14/hope/
" » Hope." Peter Koenig | Peace [Online]. Available: https://www.pea.cx/2021/04/14/hope/. [Accessed: 2024-10-24T10:16:49+00:00]
» Hope | Peter Koenig | Peace | https://www.pea.cx/2021/04/14/hope/ | 2024-10-24T10:16:49+00:00