WASHINGTON – Ryan Costello, Policy Director of NIAC Action, issued the following statement after the reintroduction of the NO BAN Act, which would guard against any President issuing discriminatory immigration orders:
“President Biden fulfilled his promise to end the Muslim ban on day one, but Trumpism and xenophobia remain strong forces in American politics. Just as Biden wiped away the ban, a successor administration could reimpose it without further action. That is why Congress needs to pass the NO BAN Act quickly and send it to President Biden for his signature.
“The Iranian-American community has been targeted with bigotry for decades. Under Trump, that discrimination was institutionalized like never before. Iranian Americans were separated from their families and loved ones for four cruel years, solely on the basis of their heritage. 30,000 Iranians were denied visas solely as a result of the ban, more than any other nationality, while many more put their dreams on hold. Many citizens were even stopped at the border, deemed security threats because of their heritage and illegally detained by Trump’s paranoid border patrol.
“Many Republicans once denounced the ban when Trump proposed it on the campaign trail, only to embrace or turn a blind eye to it when he won the White House. That was a choice, and a moral failure. Now, Trump is gone and Republicans again face a choice. They can work to pass the NO BAN Act and guard against xenophobia and bigotry, or again choose hate and work to undermine the fabric of our democracy.
“The House Judiciary Committee, Chairman Nadler, Rep. Lofgren, and Rep. Judy Chu deserve tremendous credit for re-introducing this vital bill that would guard against discriminatory immigration orders, as do the many allied civil rights and community groups who have fought the ban since day one. The Iranian-American community looks forward to Congress passing the NO BAN Act and sending it to President Biden for his signature.”